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Halo 5: Guardians Game Mode Setup

NOTE: Halo 5: Guardians fileshare no longer exists on halo waypoint, to view content you will sadly have to find it in game 



1. Spawn the "Single Spawn Oddball" prefab and ungroup it
2. Place the Oddball/Spawn Plate where you want them
3*. Place the purple boundary around your map, it's a kill volume for players or the ball. This is so the ball will respawn quickly if thrown off the map




1. Spawn the "Random Spawn Oddball" prefab and ungroup it
2. Place Oddball/ Spawn Plates where you want them on your map ( Be sure to increment spawn order on each oddball)
3. Change the Spawn Order on the Primary: White, Secondary: White Script Brain to equal the number of Oddballs on your map
4*. Place the purple boundary around your map, it's a kill volume for players or the ball. This is so the ball will respawn quickly if thrown off the map


-The boundaries have been a bit finicky so I am not using them on Arena maps, However I believe this is because there is a bug with them intersecting real map boundaries, if you are placing them on a forged map I believe they will work as intended. (If you do not want to set them up the ball will still despawn 15 seconds after being dropped off the map or if it hits the bottom of the canvas so they are not required at all)




1. Spawn the KotH Prefab that you want to setup
2. Ungroup it
3. Place hills where you want them ( Be sure to increment spawn order on each hill)
4. Change the Spawn Order of the Primary: White, Secondary: Black Light Brain to equal the number of hills (it's the one between the Red and Blue brains)


-You CANNOT setup multiple versions of KotH on the same map, if you want FFA and RvB you will have to make two versions of your map
-KotH uses minigame 1-3 so if you have minigames that use those on your map already you will need to make new map variants for KotH
-If you plan on adding in Diminishing when I update it you will also need minigame 4-5 free.




1. Spawn the Rocket Race Prefab
2. Ungroup it
3. Copy and place hills where you want them on your map ( Be sure to increment spawn order on each hill)
4. Change the Spawn order of the Primary: White, Secondary: White Brain to equal the number of hills (The one that is spawned above the hill by default when spawning in the prefab)
5*. Use the Sender node teleporter provided to cover your map (If your map is large you can use multiple as long as they use the same channels)
6*. Move the Kill Boundary and Receiver node teleporter somewhere outside the map (This is where players will be teleported to and killed when not on their vehicles)Notes:
-Steps marked with * are not required and those objects can be deleted if you do not want them on your map.


That should be everything let me know if you have questions!




ODDBALL: (Mini game scripting, this was added officially later)
-RoraBeth (me)


-Forge Team
-RoraBeth (me)


-RoraBeth (me)
-Ryouji Gunblade

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